Monday, April 6, 2009

I remember

I remember
I remember when Kyle had a house party and we put a hole in the wall
I remember the stools in the kitchen with images of pies painted on them that we sat on while my Mom cooked dinner
I remember feeling insecure about having a home
I remember shucking corn on the deck with no shoes on while the sun was setting and talking about how my sister's boyfriend set a table on fire at the ku ke lau
I remember the time stuffing pillows under the covers actually worked, but I still panicked for days thinking that my Mom knew.
I remember my cat breaking Christmas ornaments
I remember thinking that most of these men looked much more aged than they were.
I remember the fringe on the oriental rug- it always got stuck in the vacuum cleaner by accident
I remember wishing that I could hear every story of every person there.
I remember that my Moms bed was made when I left a pile of my Dads emails on it. They were to another woman.
I remember jumping in between my brothers two identical twin beds in footie pajamas and thinking 9:00 at night was very late.
I remember thinking that it was odd that a singular possession could be a defining characteristic

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