Wednesday, April 8, 2009


The first half of the day has been building up to this point
Lunch time in the cafeteria is not taken lightly.

The smell of mass produced food
Wafts through the air.
Anxious children push and shove silently,
Not wanting to be last in line.

The atmosphere of the room is playful
Secrets are told and high-fives are given.
Laughter and nameless chatter bounce
Off the walls of the café.

The cafeteria ladies dish out
Unappealing food to each empty tray.

The oldest children get to go first,
Leading the way to collapsible
Tables and chairs where they will
Finish their meal in record time.

Talk of sports and games,
Accomplishments and great feats
Dominate the conversations.

Children on duty help clean up,
Their recess time is reduced severely.

The children are dismissed to break,
Where they will play and dream of
Great fortunes in their futures.

How many of these dreamers
Will find themselves in a strange
Deja vu years from now
In a place much darker than this?

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